Rangoon, stories. New York: Winter House, Ltd., 1970
War & War. New York: Doubleday, 1971.
Moon Deluxe, stories. New York: Simon & Schuster, Aug 1983.
_________________. New York: Penguin Books (U.S. paperback edition), September 1984.
_________________. London: Penguin Books (U.K. paperback edition), September 1984.
_________________. New York: Grove Press (U.S. paperback reissue), December 1995.
Second Marriage. New York: Simon & Schuster, Aug 1984.
_________________. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. (U. K. hard cover edition), May 1985.
_________________. New York: Penguin Books (U.S. paperback edition), September, 1985.
_________________. New York: Grove Press (U.S. paperback reissue), December 1995.
Tracer. New York: Simon & Schuster, August 1985.
_________________. London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. (U. K. hard cover edition), July 1986.
_________________. New York: Penguin Books (U.S. paperback edition), September 1986.
_________________. New York: Counterpoint (U.S. paperback reissue), May 2001.
Chroma, stories. New York: Simon & Schuster, April 1987.
_________________. London: Viking, Penguin (U. K. hard cover edition), 1987.
_________________. New York: Penguin Books (U.S. paperback edition), 1988.
_________________. New York: Grove Press (U.S. paperback reissue), May 1996.
Two Against One. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, November 1988.
_________________. New York: Collier Books (U. S. paperback edition), September 1989.
_________________. London: Viking Penguin (U. K. hard cover edition), 1989.
_________________. New York: Grove Press (U.S. paperback reissue), May 1996.
Natural Selection. New York: Viking Penguin, August 1990.
_________________. New York: Viking Penguin, (U.S. paperback edition), July 1991.
_________________. New York: Counterpoint (U.S. paperback reissue), July 2001.
The Brothers. New York: Viking Penguin, September 1993.
_________________. New York: Viking Penguin, (U.S. Paperback edition), September 1994.
_________________. New York: Counterpoint (U.S. paperback reissue), May 2001.
Painted Desert. New York: Viking Penguin, September 1995.
_________________. New York: Viking Penguin, (U.S. Paperback edition), April 1997.
Bob the Gambler. New York: Houghton Mifflin, October 1997.
_________________. New York: Houghton Mifflin, (U.S. paperback edition), 1998.
Double Down. New York: Houghton Mifflin, November 1999. Co-authored with Steven Barthelme.
_________________. New York: Harvest Books (U.S. paperback edition), May 2001.
Trip. New York: Powerhouse Books. 1999-2000. Co-authored with the photographer Susan Lipper.
The Law of Averages. New York: Counterpoint Press. November 2000.
_________________. New York: Counterpoint (U.S. paperback edition), July 2001.
Elroy Nights. New York: Counterpoint Press. October 2003.
_________________. New York: Counterpoint (U.S. paperpack edition), Sept 2004.
Waveland. New York: Doubleday. March 2009.
_________________. New York: Vintage (U.S. paperback edition), May 2010.
“People Thinking.” Works in Progress, 5 (1972), 265-277.
“Monitor/Rotinam.” In Youth, n.p., 1972, 10-11.
“The Wagonwheel.” Works in Progress, 5 (1973), 126-130.
“Turkey in America.” Penthouse, December 1974, 30-33.
“The Biographer.” Transatlantic Review, 58 (1977), 12-20.
“Table Water.” Fiction, 6 (1980), 76-80.
“Aluminum House.” New Orleans Review, 8 (1980), 61-63.
“Cut Glass.” North American Review, 265 (1980), 42-44.
“Storytellers.” Chicago Review, 32 (1980), 92-97.
“Night Class.” Denver Quarterly, 15 (1980), 86-91.
“Parents.” New York Arts Journal, 23, winter 1980, 86-91.
“Shopgirls.” Esquire, January 1981, pp. 92-96.
“The End of Magic.” Sun & Moon, 11 (1981), 140-145.
“Architecture.” Kansas Quarterly, 13 (1981), 77-80.
“Magic Castle.” Fiction, 8 (1981), 142-154.
“Pool Lights.” New Yorker, July 28, 1981, pp. 34-41.
“Gila Flambé.” New Yorker, October 26, 1981, pp. 52-60.
“Lumber.” New Yorker, December 21, 1981, pp. 40-44.
“Domestic.” TriQuarterly, 53 (1982), 213-219.
“Black Tie.” South Carolina Review, 14 (1982), 102-105.
“Moon Deluxe.” New Yorker, February 15, 1982, pp. 41-44.
“Rain Check.” New Yorker, April 26, 1982, pp. 33-35.
“Box Step.” New Yorker, June 28, 1982, pp. 38-44.
“Grapette.” New Yorker, August 16, 1982, pp. 36-42.
“The Browns.” New Yorker, October 25, 1982, pp. 49-54.
“Feeders.” New Yorker, January 10, 1983, pp. 30-35.
“Violet.” New Yorker, January 31, 1983, pp. 48-54.
“Exotic Nile.” New Yorker, February 21, 1983, pp. 44-47.
“Trip.” New Yorker, May 9, 1983, pp. 43-47.
“Instructor.” New Yorker, July 25, 1983, pp. 28-34.
“Export.” New Yorker, April 23, 1984, pp. 42-49.
“Pupil.” New Yorker, August 5, 1985, pp. 26-32.
“Driver.” New Yorker, September 23, 1985, pp.36-42.
“Cleo.” New Yorker, November 18, 1985, pp.48-53.
“Reset.” New Yorker, December 1, 1986, pp. 36-42.
“Restraint.” Playboy, June 1987, p. 140.
“Chroma.” Gentleman’s Quarterly, April 1987, p. 159.
“Cooker.” New Yorker, August 10, 1987, pp. 22-28.
“Law of Averages.” New Yorker, October 5, 1987, pp. 36-39.
“Shopgirls.” Esquire (Japanese edition), August 1988.
“War With Japan.” New Yorker, November 12, 1988.
“Driver.” Reprinted in New American Short Stories II, NAL, 1989.
“With Ray and Judy.” New Yorker, April 24, 1989.
“Microwave Pancakes.” Special Report, 1990, p. 32.
“The Philosophers.” Boston Globe Magazine, July 22, 1990.
“Domestic.” Fiction of the Eighties, Gibbons & Hahn, eds., TriQuarterly, Chicago, 1990.
“Margaret and Bud.” New Yorker, May 15, 1991.
“Jackpot.” Frank Magazine, 1992.
“Retreat.” Epoch, 1993.
_______. Reprinted in New Stories from the South 1994, Algonquin
“The Big Room.” Ploughshares, fall 1995.
“Stops.” Georgetown Review, V3,N2, summer 1995.
“Socorro.” Antioch Review, V53,N4, fall 1995.
_______. Reprinted in 2000 And What?, Trip Street Press, 1996
“The Dream.” In The Tiger Garden, N.Royle, ed., Serpent’s Tail, London, 1996.
“Torch Street.” Anthologized in Anyone is Possible: New American Short Fiction, Gale & Cull, eds., Red Hen Press 1996.
“Dallas.” Anthologized in Writers Harvest, Ethan Canin, ed., Harcourt Brace, New York, 1996.
“The Lesson.” The Southern Review, spring 1997.
“The Lesson.” Anthologized, New Stories from the South 1997, Algonquin, 1998.
“Good Losers.” New Yorker. March 3, 1999. (Literary non-fiction).
“Laroquette.” Anthologized in Best New Florida Fiction, U. of Florida, 1999.
“Ducks.” Land-Grant College Review, Issue 3, 2005 (fiction).
“Story.” Anthologized in 20 Over 40, eds. David Galef and Beth Weinhouse, 2006.
“Concept Art.” Art & Language, 2 (1970) 29-33.
“Statement.” Concept Art (exhibition catalogue), August 1970.
“Alternative Press.” Texas Observer, April 1972, pp. 28-32.
“On Pacifica Radio.” Texas Observer, July 1972, pp. 26-30.
“Six Books.” Texas Observer, January 1973, pp. 24-27.
“American Review .” Texas Observer, February 1973, pp. 22-26.
“Adolfo Bioy Casares.” Review, 23 (1978), 76-77.
Included in The Dematerialization of the Art Object. New York: Praeger, 1973.
Included in Conceptual Art, ed. Ursula Meyer. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1973.
“The Crash at Crush.” Texas Monthly, 1986.
“On Being Wrong.” New York Times Book Review, April 3, 1988.
“Thrall.” Joe Magazine, co-authored with Steven Barthelme, fall 1999.
“Interview with FB.” A full length interview with the author, Missouri Review, Winter 2004
“Mississippi’s Morning After.” The New York Times, September 2, 2005 (nonfiction).
“Stepford Nation.” Playboy Magazine, December 2005.
“Quitters.” Men’s Health, September 2005.
“Carton of Eggs.” Interview with FB in New Writing: International Journal for the Theory and Practice of Creative Writing, ed. Graeme Harper, Vol 2, #2, 2005/06.
“The 39 Steps.” In Rules of Thumb, ed. Michael Martone, Writers Digest Books, 2005.
“Something Else.” Playboy Magazine, May 2007.
“The Red Crayola.” Oxford American, October 2007.
Selected Visual Art Exhibits
“9 Situations.” Louisiana Gallery, Houston, May 1965.
“Regional.” Oklahoma Art Center, Norman, OK, January 1966.
“New Art.” Jewish Community Center, Houston, July 1966.
“Made In Houston.” Louisiana Gallery, Houston, May 1967.
“Normal Art.” Museum of Normal Art, New York, May 1967.
“March 1-31, 1969.” Seth Siegelaub, New York, March 1969.
“557,087.” Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, September 1969.
“Photo Show.” UBC Gallery, Vancouver, B.C., November 1969.
“2,972,453.” CAYC, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 1969.
“Art Work.” Art and Language, 2 (1970), n.p.
“July/August.” Studio International, July 1970.
“Art in the Mind.” Oberlin College, April-May 1970.
“Concept Art.” New York Cultural Center, April 1970.
“Information.” Museum of Modern Art, New York, July 1970.
“Videotapes.” Texas Gallery, Houston, February 1973.
“One Man Show Closed Today.” Texas Gallery, Houston, January 1974.
“Picture Stories.” Texas Gallery, Houston, February 6-March 6, 2002.
Grants, Awards, Activities
Eliot Coleman Prose Award, Johns Hopkins University, 1977.
National Endowment for the Arts, Individual Writer’s Grant 1980.
Individual Summer Research Grant, University of Southern Mississippi, 1980.
Panelist and Participant, Associated Writing Programs Annual Meeting, 1980.
Member of the Literary Magazines Committee, CCLM 1980-81.
Participant at American Writers’ Congress, New York, 1981.
Member of the Policy Panel, NEA Literature Program 1980-83.
Nominated for University of Southern Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Awards (declined) 1987-97.
Nominated for Mississippi Arts & Letters Award for Two Against One, 1988.
Nominated for Mississippi Arts & Letters Award for Painted Desert, 1997.
Finalist (one of five) for the PEN/Faulkner Award for the novel Elroy Nights, 2004.
Winner Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Award for fiction, 2010.
Selected Interviews
Interviewed for Missouri Review, Fall/Winter 2004.
Interviewed for the Boston Phoenix, November 2003.
Interviewed on National Public Radio, WNYC, New York, Jan, 2001.
Interviewed on KWAB radio, “Real Time,” Colorado, January, 2000.
Interviewed on National Public Radio, “Fresh Air,” broadcast December 6, 1999.
Interviewed on WYSO, National Public Radio, Antioch College, December 1999.
Interviewed by James Hanas for, November 1999
Interviewed on National Public Radio, “Focus Five-Eighty,” University of Illinois, November 1999.
Interviewed by Frederic Koeppel for the Memphis Commercial Appeal, November 1999.
Interviewed on “Thacker Mountain Radio,” Oxford, MS, November 1999.
Interviewed by WLBT television, Jackson, MS, (J.C. Patterson), November 1999.
Interviewed by Barnes&, November 1999.
Interviewed on National Public Radio, WNYC, New York (Brian Lehrer), November 1999.
Interviewed by Kevin Rabalais for New Orleans literary magazine, 1998.
Interviewed by The Atlantic Monthly Unbound (online magazine), Ralph Lombreglia, Spring 1997.
Interviewed by Jutta Person for German language publication, 1997.
Interviewed by Arthur Franz for Ellipsis, University of New Orleans, spring 1995.
Interviewed by Barbara Yoder for GNN Book Café, Online Journal, fall 1995.
Interviewed by Eliza Wing for Book Stacks, online journal, RealAudio, fall 1995.
Interviewed by Kim Herzinger & Angela Ball for Frank Magazine, Paris, 1992.
Interviewed by Tom Shone for Times Literary Supplement, London, spring 1992.
Interviewed on National Public Radio, All Things Considered, 1990.
Interviewed by Hans Bauman 1988 for Dutch radio and print media.
Interviewed by Kim Herzinger for Mississippi ETV, Broadcast April 1988.
Interviewed for Writer’s Market Annual, 1987, 1997.